

Our services may be easily distinguished from others of their kind in the Risk Management/Practice Management arena by our underlying premise that all firms are unique entities and that an analysis that does not consider the dynamics among the firm’s Principals must necessarily fall short of a meaningful conclusion.

There are any number of Risk Services and so called “custom” programs which begin with a large binder of rules and requirements for a firm to adopt. We have no such set of preconceived requirements. Unless the program developed for a firm is absolutely tailored to that firm’s particular dynamics, size, practice groups, type of law and geographical region, and is therefore organic to that institution, the binders will sit on the desk unopened and unused. We have the experience to make such distinctions and the subsequent individual analysis.

Our approach is practical as well as pragmatic in its efforts. We believe in efficiency both in our own work as well as regarding any recommendations which we may make for a law firm. Our Reports are not long. They are succinct and to the point. We do not gloss over issues but try to handle them objectively and with a minimum of fuss. We are fair but we are also direct.

We respect lawyer’s time. Our process of evaluation, therefore, is designed to take as little time as possible away from the practice of law. Our preliminary questionnaires, for example, are carefully constructed to provide a maximum amount of information in a minimum amount of time. The questionnaires have been noted by many of the attorneys who have used them as being learning tools in their own right. They provide us with the insight necessary to make the subsequent interviews with selected individuals (Partners, Associates and support staff), in the firm far more meaningful for both ourselves as well as for the firm.